Sunday, September 19, 2004

rough day

Hello all. So I've experienced my first two weeks of classes, and I'm getting a real sense of what to expect, and what my instructors are like. I love the drawing class. We're working in charcoal, and doing exercises in linear perspective, tone and value. Just being able to draw for six hours a day is wonderful! I love typography (that's developing fonts and letterforms) and I've been told by my instructor that I do have a skill for it. English is okay, more enjoyable when I get to write, and Art History is a bore. But not difficult. 2D Art Fundamentals is a nightmare! I thought I'd like it, because it's design, but I'm struggling with it. My instructor, Dean, loves to lecture the class about being on time, acting mature in class, and the evils of carbohydrates and sugar. Yes, people, he spent 15 minutes in class one day telling us what we should and shouldn't be eating. I've been feeding myself for a while now, I don't need a mommy to tell me to eat my vegetables. If I want them, I'll have them. If I want chocolate, I'll have that, too. And if I want advice, I'll see a nutritionist. Don't waste class time that I'm paying for to tell me what to eat! Dean is big on mathematics and art, and when I tried to explain my particular situation to him, he said, "you'll never get a job as a graphic designer if you can't do this. Why are you here?" Because it's compulsory, and I'm paying for my education, so I have to be here, you twit. I spent an hour in the bathroom, crying my eyes out. (yes, big tough corky does cry sometimes!). When I got back, he lectured the class on proper behavior. Tantrums aren't acceptable when you're working, blah blah blah. He might as well have said my name to everyone. I was angry...since when did I have a tantrum in class? I went off by myself, and dealt with my problem, then returned and didn't say anything to anyone. I feel like I'm back in high school when I'm in that class. And my old confrontational nature begins to appear. It doesn't help that the guy is at least ten years younger than me. I want to tell him off, demand that he treat us with respect, and learn to be more understanding of the differences. This is the same man who said there was no purpose to life, why believe in anything? He knows I'm a believer, so maybe he's just making my life difficult because of that. I pray that God will help me with this challenge and not strangle this idiot in front of the whole class. I love art and I value my education more than his opinion, so I'll put up with it.
And God does tell us he only gives us what we can handle.