Saturday, March 11, 2006

Hit and Run and me!

It's not safe to walk home anymore from school, I guess. Yesterday, I decided to take a different route home, because it was very slippery and I didn't think I could get up that steep hill on my usual route. At one street, as I was crossing (in the crosswalk), I looked to my right to make sure the van turning left saw me. I stopped for two seconds, and the bonehead making a right turn (on my left side) decided to pull ahead. His bumper thumped my left leg, and I was knocked back a couple of steps. I grabbed the car to steady myself, and ended up nearly in front of the passenger side door. I looked straight at the driver, he looked back at me, and then pulled ahead and made his right turn. Didn't even slow down! I turned around and quickly memorized his license plate...thanks to Brian and all his lessons about looking at the plates first!
I was quite shaken walking the rest of the way home. I kept repeating the license place to it must have been funny to drivers on the road seeing this crazy woman muttering to herself and her hands shaking violently. I had my pilot toque on, too, so I probably looked quite absurd! I called Brian first, then called the police. I've made out a report, and now they will decide whether it's a failure to yield to a pedestrian ($175) or a hit and run. Either way, I want the right thing to happen. If the driver had stopped to check and see if I was all right, and shown himself to be a decent human being who just made a mistake, then I probably wouldn't have done anything. But he was so indifferent to me...I'm sure that he'll deny he was at fault. I have a feeling he'll claim I darted out, or that I stopped to let him go, or something. Doesn't matter. I indicated my intent to cross, he has to stop for me.
I'm fine, btw. Just upset now that there are people out there who figure that respecting pedestrians doesn't apply to them. It could have been far worse...if I'd taken one more step, I would have been dead center of the car, and probably would have been injured quite badly. My guardian angel (who has multiple earrings and a tattoo, and green hair, I like to imagine)was taking care of me. I would like to know one thing, however - how could he think that it was okay to just keep going, like there was nothing wrong?