Thursday, September 22, 2005

my stinky life

Sometimes I think my life is a sitcom. It's too bizarre to be believed. A (mumble mumble)....year old woman going to school, and still feeling like an outcast. A moment occurred in Desktop Publishing class that brought me back to high school. Our instructor was explaining a very complicated (and probably unnecessary) mathematical formula, and I was totally zoning out. N looked at me, and said quite loudly, "Corky, did you get that?" And I replied, in the same snarky attitude I used with various high school dictators, "noooo..." He was not happy with me. When I approached him after class, I told him not to put me on the spot like that. I'm not a teenager, I don't need to be reminded to pay attention. If I'm not, that's my problem, isn't it? He does that a lot....asks "are you listening," or " were you paying attention to that?" I hate feeling like that. I'm nearly as old as the instructor, and he's talking to me like I'm a fool kid. I was embarrassed, and end up feeling awkward and stupid in front of my classmates. It was, as Derek would say, a George moment. Where's independent corky when I need her?