Monday, December 27, 2004

A New Year

I've been thinking about my new year's resolutions. One of them will be changes to my blog. I'd like to add a weekly feature, a cartoon strip I'll call "Distracto-Girl", and a new caricature. I'm going to change the template as well. I'd like to feature more of my work, some reviews of other caricature artists, and updates on Survivor. Coz everyone knows how much I love Survivor! (And this way, I can bore people reading my blog, rather than boring them while talking to them!).
I'm also going to make some personal changes. Been learning lots about how to handle my disabilities, and what my limitations are (a lot!). Still suffering the effects of ADHD, and an LD, but I want to reach out more to others and help them to understand, too. I realize that my art is a huge part of my coping mechanism (hence the Distracto-Girl comic!), and I want to use that to reach out to others who may be suffering from, or from someone, with ADHD.

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