Monday, June 27, 2005


Just read an article about how Hollywood movies are declining...revenues are down 16 per cent from last year. Has it occurred to these bigtime Hollywood producers (hello, George and Steven, I'm talking to you!)that if they bothered to ask the movie-goers, they'd find out why? How about too-high ticket prices, bad movies, and crowded multiplexes? Most people I know would rather wait a few months and see a movie at Rainbow, where it's much cheaper, or wait just a bit longer and rent the DVD. So what you gotta wait six months before seeing that big blockbuster. It doesn't change the movie...I can wait a few months and enjoy a movie at home, and if it's a dud, I don't feel too bad about it. No movie that I've seen in the last five years has been worth lining up for, waiting hours, or paying 12 bucks. For example, I saw Batman Begins last night. I am a comic fan, but this was crap.... Too long in the exposition, (an hour to tell us about Bruce Wayne's early years and Ras Al-Ghoul was a waste), Christian Bale is uninteresting, and I noticed many of his mannerisms and voice inflections were almost exactly like Michael Keaton's from Tim Burton's Batman. The villains weren't interesting, either. Scarecrow was always one of my favourites, but this version was dull and the actor just seemed too naive and young to convincingly play Doctor Crane. And Katie Holmes as Rachel Dawes...useless character. Plot too involved to sustain my interest, and the action was filmed in such a way that I got a headache from trying to follow it (I call it "buzzy" - the camera jerks and shakes, and the stuntmen are moving so rapidly it's like a bee buzzing around you, so you can't see it clearly).
I will go see Fantastic Four, but not at full price. I'm bound to be disappointed.

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