Saturday, November 19, 2005

Harry Potter and the Gobbldegook of Fire

Went to see Harry Potter with a bunch of Viscom friends last night. Gotta say, didn't really like it much. My friends praised the movies and the book, but I just thought it was creepy, boring, and no one warned me about that spider thingy! I expected that some of the plotlines and characters would confuse me, because I've never read or seen Harry Potter, but I was really disappointed that I was able to predict the entire plot within the first ten minutes. So, no big surprises, and I really didn't care for any of the characters, so filling in the backstory didn't make any difference. It wasn't one of those fun, actionfilled movies where you just get to enjoy the experience, even though you know what's going to happen. There were far too many continuity errors and plotholes, but they weren't confusing, just annoying. It was creepy, weird, and disturbing in places. Most significantly, I was just plain old bored. Someone asked me if I at least enjoyed the special effects, but I didn't think they were particularly compelling, and I prefer some kind of interesting story to justify the effects. Just throwing in flashy flying sequences doesn't do much for me. So, to all you Potterheads out there...I'm just not interested in reading the books, or seeing any more movies, so don't tell me that I need to and then I'll really enjoy the series. Nope, seeing one dull movie is enough. Plus, I get a definite creepy feeling from the suggested animal abuse that goes on, and the implied threats to children, and that whole deal with the reporter...ewww! So, in the Turner tradition of Haiku review, (thanks Derek), I wrote my own;

Potter is dull fare
Even for novices like me
Not gonna read or see it
When I've got them all figured!


Anonymous said...

Hey!!! finally someone that agrees with me. Creepy is right!
Miss ya!

Life of Turner said...

You do realize a haiku is 5-7-5, right? Like this...

Mommy's a weiner
but not for thoughts on Potter;
she's a wet blanket!

Derek out.