Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Update on school!

Hello, friends. I'm home, for a short while anyway. I had a tough second year, but I got through it! I was offered a summer workterm job in Regina, for a company called OfftheWall productions. They do murals for photography studios, theatre and film. Can you imagine a more perfect job for me? Okay, maybe drawing cartoons all day long....but this is close! Brian is thrilled I've got a summer job, but not so happy that I'm not going to be living in toontown. Oh well, there's always weekends. I hadn't realized how strange our marriage is, until I got home and saw what was happening in our house! I don't know of any other couple that can live separately for so long, and still be so much in love with each other....I do know of other couples that have had similar situations happen, but couldn't handle the stress of living apart, so they ended up divorcing. But then, anyone who knows Brian and I knows that we are definitely different from other people....neither of us fit the norm, which is just fine. And probably why we have stuck together for so long, and stay in love. I don't think anyone else could put up with such a weird person like me! Brian, of course, says it's all about the sex....sorry, kids, I had to say that. Just one of the things I love about the guy....he always makes me laugh, and he laughs at my jokes!
Brian is dealing with empty nest syndrome. Lindsay moved out in April, so he got very lonely while we were both gone. He asked me what he should do with himself to keep occupied, and I replied, "do what you always cereal for supper, and fall asleep watching tv." I've been dealing with "empty nest" since starting school, so it wasn't too weird coming home. I like the extra space, a whole new closet for more shoes!
Brian is getting baptized on Sunday April 30th. He's absolutely terrified of water (nearly drowned twice when he was a kid) so he's really really anxious. Pray for him, and let him know that you're praying for him! I had one funny moment when he told me the date....I told him that as much as I love him, I am not standing near him when he's in the tank....there is no way that I could handle a 200 pound hysterical man....thankfully, a friend has offered to be with Brian in the tank as he gets dunked, and he is very strong, so I am thankful for that. Brian will be mentioning that in his testimony, as it occurred to both of us that we have a few nurses and a police officer in our congregation. Can you imagine their response if Brian seemed to be in trouble? We thought it wise to let people know that they shouldn't worry.
The baptism takes place at Living Hope Church, on Warman and Goertzen, at 5 pm on Sunday April 30th. I think I may be as nervous as Brian!

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