Sunday, August 22, 2004


This is a verse I read some time ago, and gave me the inspiration I needed to continue pursuing my education. I review it once in a while when I'm feeling hopeless, or when I have to deal with student loans!
Jeremiah 29:11: "For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord; plans to give you hope and a future."

Things I will miss most when I'm in Medicine Hat;
1. my treadmill
2. watching Survivor with Lindsay on Thursdays
3. watching Brian drop bread crumbs all over himself when he's eating my homebaked bread
4. going to half-off sales at thrift stores with Lindsay and Derek
5. worshipping at Living Hope on Sundays
6. my treadmill!

Things I won't miss at all!
1. my stove (never use it anyway!)
2. having to listen to Nascar races on Sundays, at 110 decibels!
3. Thursday afternoon meetings at the Mendel (sorry, Laura, but I"m not very good at paying attention!)
4. seeing piles of vcr's and tools in the middle of my livingroom

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